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April 2009: April is the month in which many Earth Day events take place all over the U.S. At some of these events, the organizers please participants with free bottled water that sponsors have provided. Other organizers have already realized that bottled water is not a contribution to sustainability and a worthy Earth Day celebration. Some organizers even turn a bottled-water free event into a message about a small step towards more sustainability we all can easily make: bring tap water in a reusable water bottle instead of emptying plastic bottles that add to the trash mountain of a Earth Day event or other events. They also show that tap water in many place has a quality better than what you get in the plastic bottles. So why are we spending money on a unsustainable habit when a sustainable habit comes for almost free?

Avoiding bottled-water is actually a not-so-small step towards sustainability, if you look at the rapidly increasing consumption in bottled water over the last decades, as documented by the Pacific Institute's page on sustainability and bottled water)

Photo by Shelley Jules-Plag, taken on April 17, 2009 at the EarthStock event in Stoney Brook, NY.

If you have a story, thought, or picture worth to be considered as story, thought or picture of the month, please feel free to inform me about it by sending an e-mail to