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Items of the month:
Note that since April 2014, I am publishing these items in my blog at

Activities I contribute to:

Selected Recent Presentations and Publication

Picture of the month ...

April 2013: White-men supremacy: The white-man supremacy statement is shown close to the entrance of the Apartheid musemum in Johannesburg, South Africa. One could hope that since it is in amuseum, it is no longer reality. However, my experience during my seven months is Johannesburg showed every day that the statement reflects reality in South Africa. What will it take to change this? How bad does deconstruction have to become before construction of a society based on equality can begin?

Picture by Hans-Peter Plag, all rights reserved.

If you have a story, thought, or picture worth to be considered as story, thought or picture of the month, please feel free to inform me about it by sending an e-mail to